Monday, November 23, 2009


It’s hard having friends and relationships with animals and people if you only get the urge to eat them when their around. Being a ferocious, wild, untamed Timan or Higer, whatever you want to call me; it’s the mix breed of a human and Tiger. I really don’t know how I came to be all I know is that I live in a forest with a big building with a lot of technology being used. The other animals that are in the forest don’t like me because they say Iam not a real animal that I shouldn’t here. Sometimes they try to steal my food or mess with me but to get rid of them all I have to do is growl and show a little teeth with it. I have one friend though, he’s an owl named “Papa O”, well at least that what he calls himself. He tells me this story of when he found me as a cub but he didn’t really know what I was. He says I had feet as Tiger but toes as a human and the body of a tiger but the booty of an human. Also he told me that when I would kill small prey when I was younger that I would cook it then cut it into manageable portions then eat. Papa O watched over me from a distance to be safe until I got bigger, older, and wiser. Me being only half Tiger he thought I needed to be taught wild life qualities such as being fear of none and how Iam suppose to hunt. As I grew I contained more of an edge and when wolf packs tried to attack me, they would think twice when I actually stood facing them in the eyes. I still wonder where am I really from Iam not all animal. Papa O was starting to get old and get sick and on his final day He called me to come up the biggest tree in the forest where layed dying taking his last breaths. I stood there listening to anything he had to say and he finally spoke and his first word was son. He never called me this to me he was always just a good friend an older brother type. He spoke with very little volume “ Son your destiny is not always to live here go explore the world and find where you belong”. I never heard him speak like this, “You have a mother I have seen her at the big building where you were born”. I stopped to think how can I have been born there when I have never been inside there. “Go, Go my son find out who you are”, were his last breath which I will never forget.I will PaPa O i will find who I really am. I will do it for you."If im part human then i got to find my father/mother somewhere. HOw would I start my search? In the big building is where I wanted to explore, its the only way I knew I would find answers. It looked like a dangerous place to enter. The building was tall and had rows and rows of barb fence. Somehow I snuck my way in undetected, seeeing what i was seeing was digusting. Human testing rooms with people trapped behind cages on the verge of dying.When i crept in the room with the cage filled peple they looked at me with fear but also relief.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Correct grammar: Being a ferocious, wild, untamed Timan or Higer, whatever you want to call me; it’s the mix breed of a human and Tiger.


    ...they say Iam not a real animal that I shouldn’t here.

    ...that what he calls himself.

    ...then i got

    There are other capitalization errors. Please proof read.

    Story is incomplete. Needs closure.
