Monday, December 7, 2009


Mr. Kelly introduced alot of interesting things to the class from the Art Institute.
One of them was a personal favorite which had to do with cuisine. The school offers a class or two dealing with the art ,creation and mastering food. Another was the creation of animation in the school.On students resume cd's there were many animations that each student had on there.HE also showed us how to create art with letters. Letters that were making portraits of people and places.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tiger Bearing!!!

Wow!!! The mutant was born through a dangerous experiment. When the mother was pregnant They injected in her veins a cell changing formula that almost killed her. What was in the formula was the shell shocking thing. The lab people bred three tigers and when they grew up, they figured out whih of the three were stronger by letting them fight. One of the tigers won but lost his life when they exerted blood from him then iserted a bullet in him. That same blood was injected into that women and they observed her for the rest of her bearing months. When she was ready to give labor the lady started going wild and broke through the straps on her arms and ran out the experimental building. She left something behing a new born Timan or higer.